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Posted by jerryblu
2/12/2006  7:21:00 PM
I had pain in my feet many years, had several badly fitted orthotics, finally got a pair that really helped, and was able to go on walks, hikes, etc.

Strangely (perhaps someone has an explanation), when I started ballroom dancing 5 years ago, and purchased ballroom shoes in which the orthotics did not fit, I had no pain, and have used those same kind of thin soled shoes now for years for dancing. OTOH, I do need the orthotics for regular shoes.

Are there are orthotics for dance shoes?

My wife and I are about to go to Buenos Aires and I plan to get shoes there. (We've been taking Argentine tango lessons now for about 5 months, so we are slightly beyond the raw beginner stage; sort of lower Bronze level) The tango shoes there are not thin soled, not suede bottomed, and have a great deal more support than my usual ballroom shoes. I am thinking that perhaps I should be getting shoes in which my inserts will fit.

Any suggestions will be welcomed.

Re: Orthotics
Posted by Michael
2/13/2006  6:59:00 AM
Jerry, I too used to wear orthotics. I think the comfort you find in the thin soled dance shoes comes increased usage of your feet in "the proper way." In order balance correctly in either no shoes or very soft shoes the muscles in your feet have to work harder. The more support your feet have, the weaker they become. Braces of any kind, orthotics included, though useful and in many cases necessary, are not theraputic, they don't make you stronger. You may continue to need the orthotics long term, I'm not a doctor or familiar with your case. As for myself I previously wore the orthotics, but after making dance a career some 5 years ago and significantly improving the strength and usage of my feet I haven't felt the need for them.
Re: Orthotics
Posted by jerryblu
2/13/2006  1:51:00 PM
I'm glad you no longer need them, but I do, at least when I'm walking or hiking long distances. The difference is the lack of pain. It's a lot easier to hike without pain than with.

And since Argentine Tango shoes are not thin soled like Ballroom shoes, I'm still wondering if there are any tangueros out there who have info about this.


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